Cooler Corn

You can do this in one of those tiny cooler that's just big enough for a 6-pack, or you can fill a huge cooler & feed a crowd!



Cleaned and shucked corn

Boiling water

One cooler



1. Clean out your cooler

2. Toss your corn cobs in

3. Cover with boiling water

4. Corn should be cooked in about 30 m minutes & stay that way for a couple of hours!

Electrolyte Solution

 Single Serving

1 c water

2 dash salt

1 1/2 t sugar

Four cups

1 qt water

3/4 t salt

2 T sugar

Treva's Salsa

On this day in 2017, I had a craving for my sister's salsa. She had given me the recipe and even made it with me so many times that she had to have been absolutely incredulous that I'd ask AGAIN. Much to her own credit, she helpfully left the entire recipe for me on my Facebook & I have committed it to the special cookbook that my mom gave me just in case I need salsa when the power is out. I love that girl more than this salsa...and that's, honestly, a lot!

2 cans petite diced tomatoes (I like Great value brand best *Treva's note*)
1/2 onion
6 - 12 pickled jalapeƱo rounds
1/3 c fresh cilantro
2 cloves garlic
1 1/2 tsp salt
2 dashes pepper

Toss all but one can of tomatoes in a food processor
Combine with second can.